Ingritt Rincu
Our Christmas tree wants to be a painting.
Daisies symbolize innocence, purity, loyalty, patience, and simplicity.
We want to keep our souls young like summer forests.
The Autumn Blaze Maple is as beautiful as its name.

Life and Nature

Canada is a country worth exploring with all of our senses. It is the place I call home. I know the taste of pancakes with maple syrup, the heartbeat of the wind knocking on the door, and what it is like to walk barefoot in the grass. When I close my eyes, I can imagine the snowy peaks of the mountains and the salty scent of the oceans.

I knew from a young age that nature would never be too far from where I wanted to live. I have always loved feeling the fresh breeze when I open the windows in the morning, taking a walk during my lunch break from work, stopping by the fruit and vegetable section of the nearest grocery store on the way home, and inviting nature to my kitchen table.

Writing for children is a very dear hobby of mine. I would like children and parents to learn something from the characters I created and also from their own conversations. I think it is important to find time to talk to each other, share ideas, play, learn, and cook together.
My stories encourage children to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. With windows, trees, flowers, parks, and sunny days, my stories also invite families to play outside and explore nature. Read about my writing projects.

I have learned to notice the presence of nature and understand that everything in this world has a purpose. Each new season proves that nature is a survivor, and I have the utmost respect and admiration for its ability to renew itself. I enjoy watching the transformation of nature every year and consider myself lucky to live in a place with all four seasons.
I love living in a big city that considers nature an important element of life. Its trees and green spaces have helped me understand the influence that nature and the changing seasons have on all of us. This is an essential step to living in harmony with nature. I believe that modern life can be beautifully intertwined with nature. I have tried to incorporate this idea in all my writing. My first writing project was Life Values, a collection of thoughts and reflections inspired by important events in my life.